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                螺杆式并联机组 Screw Parallel Unit

                • 机组包含高←、中、底温系列,可满足于蒸发温度10℃~-40℃或更低温度的制冷系统。

                • 机组类型包含螺杆单机组和螺杆并联机组,可满足各类制冷系统的需要。

                • 机组可实现多级能量调节或无级能量调节,可适用于不同冷负荷的变化,有效地降低能耗。

                • 机组配置齐〓全,主要的制冷配件及电气控制元件均采用知名品牌,性能可靠。

                • 电控系统智能化程度高,采用微电脑控制器自动控制,定时累计运行时间,实现压缩机的轮值。

                • 电控系统具有缺相、过热、过载、欠压、排气温度,油温,底油位,油流及系统高低压等多种安全保护,确保运行√的可靠性。

                • 中低温机组★配置经济器运行,大大提高系统的运行效率,降低运行成本。

                • 机组结构紧凑,高度集成化,大大节约机房面积安装盒操作十分方便。


                • The unit consists of high, medium and bottom temperature series, which can satisfy the refrigeration system with evaporation temperature of 10 40 or lower.

                • Unit types include single screw unit and parallel screw unit, which can meet the needs of various refrigeration systems.

                • The unit can realize multi-stage energy regulation or stepless energy regulation, which can be applied to different changes in cooling load and effectively reduce energy consumption.

                • The unit is fully equipped, and the main refrigeration accessories and electrical control components are well-known brands, with reliable performance.

                • The electronic control system has a high degree of intellectualization. It uses a microcomputer controller to control automatically, accumulating the running time regularly, and realizing the compressor's wheel value.

                • The electronic control system has many kinds of safety protection, such as phase absence, overheating, overload, undervoltage, exhaust temperature, oil temperature, bottom oil level, oil flow and system high and low pressure, to ensure the reliability of operation.

                • Medium and low temperature units are equipped with economizer operation, which greatly improves the operation efficiency of the system and reduces the operation cost.

                • The unit is compact in structure and highly integrated, which greatly saves the area of the computer room and makes the operation of the installation box very convenient.