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                吸顶式冷风机 Ceiling Type Air Cooler


                • 冷风机的电机和风机的选配、翅片间距、盘管长度等重要参数采用计算机优化设计进行配★置,因此具有大风①量、大冷量、低噪音☉的性能

                • 冷风机外壳采用优质钢板或轧花铝板,磷化静∴电喷涂防腐工艺,美观大方,耐腐■蚀性强

                • 蒸发器采用翅片套管式,铝翅片采用二次翻边高效翅片,高效内螺纹盘管,增强换热

                • 先进机械涨管手艺,换热效率高。融霜采用电热化霜,融霜速度快。库♀内温升小

                • 优化空气流动和分液□回路设计,新型专利分配器,盘管结霜均匀,有效提高换热效率

                • 采用特殊设计的轴流风↓扇。风量大,射程远,防潮电机使用安全可靠

                • 接水盘和两侧板可灵活拆卸与◎清理,安装检修@方便

                It can be matched with refrigeration units with different refrigeration capacity to realize the functions of fresh-keeping, refrigeration and refrigeration. It has the advantages of high heat transfer efficiency, fast refrigeration speed, light weight, compact structure and convenient installation.

                • The important parameters such as motor and fan selection, fin spacing and coil length are optimized by computer, so they have the characteristics of large air volume, large cooling capacity and low noise.

                • The cold air fan shell adopts high quality steel plate or rolled aluminium plate, phosphating electrostatic spraying anticorrosive technology, beautiful and generous, strong corrosion resistance;

                • The evaporator adopts fin sleeve type, the aluminium fin adopts secondary flanging high efficiency fin, high efficiency inner thread coil, and enhances heat transfer.

                • Advanced mechanical tube expanding technology, high heat transfer efficiency. The defrosting adopts electrothermal defrosting, which has fast defrosting speed and small temperature rise in the storehouse.

                • Optimizing the design of air flow and liquid separation circuit, new patented distributor, uniform frosting of coil, effectively improving heat transfer efficiency;

                • Special designed axial fan is adopted. Large air volume, long range, safe and reliable use of moistureproof motor;

                • The water receiving plate and the two side plates can be flexibly disassembled and cleaned, and the installation and maintenance are convenient.