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                压缩机组 Compressor Unit


                • 机组具有以下特点:

                • 高制冷效率。耗电量少,为客户最大限度节省运行费用。

                • 压缩机机壳内容积大,有很好的气液分离能力。无液击危◥险,运行安全可靠。

                • 含有防泡沫添加◣剂的白油,在高温和高压下都可以保证良好的润滑。

                • 专利的双弹簧设计,振动减少,低噪音运行,寿命更长。

                • 压缩机内置电流过载及异常温升保护装置,确保压缩机免受损害。。

                • 独特的节能技术,采用过热排气预冷却及液体自过冷技术,使液体过冷度5度以上(对于R22来说,相▓当于节电5%),利用流动诱发的高频震动,使排气预冷却盘管进一步高效↘换热,降低排气压力,功耗降低6%以上,同时由于换热管的高频震动,也避免垢质的形成,使换热稳定、高效。

                • 恒定冷凝压力节能技术,独特冷凝压力控制装置,根据负荷情况,调节冷凝风机节能运转,并使机组冷凝压力保持恒定,从而使机组高效稳定工作。

                • 贮液器、干燥过滤器、高低压控制器等制冷配件均配置世界一流品牌产品。

                • 配置吸气过滤器,保持系统高洁净度、高可靠性。

                • 工厂配件钎焊接头短管〓及IP55电气箱,方便管路及电气连接。

                   This series of refrigeration compressor units are composed of refrigeration compressor, air-cooled or water-cooled condenser, liquid storage, suction filter, drying filter, liquid mirror, high and low pressure controller, electric box, base, etc. There are single press, double press, multi-press medium temperature and low temperature refrigeration compressor units to choose from.

                The unit has the following characteristics:

                • High refrigeration efficiency. It consumes less electricity and saves the operation cost to the maximum extent for customers.

                • Compressor case has large volume and good gas-liquid separation ability. There is no danger of liquid strike, and the operation is safe and reliable.

                • White oil containing anti foam additives can ensure good lubrication at high temperature and high pressure.

                • Patented double spring design, vibration reduction, low noise operation, longer life.

                • Compressor built-in current overload and abnormal temperature rise protection device to ensure that the compressor is not damaged.

                • Unique energy-saving technology, using superheated exhaust pre-cooling and liquid self-cooling technology, makes the liquid supercooling degree more than 5 degrees (for R22, equivalent to 5% power saving). Using high frequency vibration induced by flow, makes the exhaust pre-cooling coil further efficient heat transfer, reduces exhaust pressure, and reduces power consumption by more than 6%. At the same time, due to the high frequency vibration of heat exchanger tube, the formation of scale is also avoided. Heat transfer is stable and efficient.

                • Constant condensing pressure energy-saving technology, unique condensing pressure control device, according to the load situation, regulate the energy-saving operation of the condensing fan, and make the condensing pressure of the unit remain constant, so as to make the unit work efficiently and steadily.

                • Refrigeration fittings such as liquid storage, drying filters, high and low pressure controllers are equipped with world-class brand products.

                • Inspiration filters are equipped to maintain high cleanliness and reliability of the system.

                • Factory fittings brazed joint short pipe and IP55 electric box, convenient pipeline and electrical connection.