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                组合冷库 Combined Cold Storage


                • 库内温■度恒定控制在2~8℃(或-15~-25℃)

                • 制冷系统一体式№设计,整个制冷系统安装在室内,方便观察、维护、性价比高;

                • 采用国际知名品牌◎压缩机,蒸发风机,所有核心零部件均采用进口知名品牌,品质保证,性々能更可靠◥;

                • 制冷系统具有延时启动、过热、过载、高低压等多种保护功能;

                • 电热或热弗自动化霜;

                It can be used to preserve vaccines, medicines, biological products, etc. It is suitable for various centers for disease prevention and control, animal epidemic prevention and control centers, hospitals and so on.

                • The temperature in the reservoir is controlled at 2 - 8 degrees Celsius (or - 15 - 25 degrees Celsius).

                • The refrigeration system is integrated design, the whole refrigeration system is installed in the indoor, easy to observe, maintain, cost-effective;

                • It adopts internationally renowned compressors, evaporative fans, all core components are imported famous brands, quality assurance, performance is more reliable.

                • The refrigeration system has many protective functions, such as delay start, overheat, overload, high and low voltage, etc.

                • Electric or Thermal Automation Cream.