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                冷凝器1 Condenser 1

                • 额定换热量从1~70KW;翅片间◆距从1.8~3.5mm。

                • 轴流风机有罩极式风机、外转¤子式风机、内转子式风※机。

                • 电压有220V/50Hz380V/50Hz

                • 采用优质钢▼板,表面喷塑,外形美〖观耐腐蚀。盘管】采用铜管错排方式、机○械涨管与铝片紧密贴合,换热效率〗高。

                • 每个产品出厂经过2.8MPa的气密性实验及系统排污处理。

                • 均采用大风量ㄨ、低转速的电机,噪音小美观●大方,应用范围广。



                • The rated heat transfer is from 1 to 70 KW, and the fin spacing is from 1.8 to 3.5 mm.

                • Axial fan has hood pole fan, outer rotor fan and inner rotor fan.

                • Voltages are 220V/50Hz or 380V/50Hz.

                • It is made of high-quality steel plate with plastic-sprayed surface, beautiful appearance and corrosion resistance. The coil adopts the staggered arrangement of copper tubes, and the mechanical riser is closely connected with the aluminium sheet, so the heat transfer efficiency is high.

                • Each product was discharged through 2.8 MPa air tightness test and system sewage treatment.

                • They all adopt motors with large air volume and low speed. They have small noise, beautiful appearance and wide application range.