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                吊顶式冷风机(2个电机)Ceiling Type Air Cooler(two motors)





                • 该系列冷风机的盘管为铝管铝翅片,翅片换热管采用胀接▲工艺,传热效率╲高,耐腐蚀〒性强。

                • 换热管交错排列,气◆流组织合理。

                • 翅片↙为深拉延长套筒和定片距结合的定位方⌒式,定位准确。

                • 翅片与换热集管采用进口专用设备胀接,管片接触紧密,接触热阻小∞。

                • 该系列选用高效、低能耗、底噪音轴流风机和◇进口轴承

                DX type top-suction single-side outlet air cooler;

                DH Series Top-suction Double-side Air-outlet Cooler;

                DB Series Aluminum Tube and Aluminum Sheet Cooler:

                • The coil of this series of air coolers is aluminium tube and aluminium fin. The fin heat exchanger tube adopts expansion joint technology, which has high heat transfer efficiency and strong corrosion resistance.

                • The heat exchanger tubes are staggered and the air distribution is reasonable.

                • The fin is a positioning method which combines the deep drawing sleeve with the fixed distance, and the positioning is accurate.

                • Fins and heat exchanger manifolds are expanded by imported special equipment. The fins are in close contact with each other and have low contact thermal resistance.

                • Selection of high efficiency, low energy consumption, bottom noise axial fan and imported bearing