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                吊顶式冷风机(3个电机)Ceiling Type Air Cooler(hree motors)




                • 壳体采用喷塑工艺或轧花铝板,耐腐蚀,外形美观。

                • 盘管以错排方式布置,传热效率高,通过〓机械胀管将铝翅片套在铜管上连接牢靠。

                • 该产品为厂内配线,所有接线均置于一个接╲线盒内安装维修方便。

                • 选用的电机和风机,噪音低,运转平稳。

                • 排水盘中央最低处设有排水接头,排水可靠。

                • 槽型吊架,安装方便。

                • U型管状不锈钢管及氧化镁填料的电加热管,置于盘管中,融霜效果良好。

                SW-D series air cooler:

                  DL/DD/DJ series air coolers

                    The series has three types: DL, DD and DJ, which are suitable for cold storage at different warehouse temperatures, among which DL is suitable for cold storage at about 0 C, such as storage of fresh eggs or vegetables; DD is suitable for cold storage at about - 18 C, for refrigeration of meat, fish and other frozen foods; DJ is suitable for cold storage at - 25 C or below - 25 C as fresh meat or fish products or other frozen or fresh fish products. Other quick-frozen.

                • The shell is sprayed with plastic or rolled aluminium plate, which is corrosion resistant and beautiful in appearance.

                • The coils are arranged in staggered rows with high heat transfer efficiency. The aluminum fins are sleeved on the copper tubes by mechanical expansion.

                • This product is factory wiring, all wiring are placed in a junction box for easy installation and maintenance.

                • Selected motor and fan, low noise, smooth operation.

                • The lowest central part of the drainage pan is provided with drainage joints, which can drain reliably.

                • Trough hanger, easy to install.

                • U-shaped tubular stainless steel tube and magnesia filler electric heating tube, placed in the coil, defrosting effect is good.